Monday 24 August 2015

[Principle of Design] 5 Self Portrait integrated with Pop Art

These are my 5 drawings. I will show and explain the steps I took to achieve the final products.

Drawing #1

Method I used to create the even dots for Pop Art effect.

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Monday 17 August 2015

[Principles of Design] My chosen Art Movement


An art movement that emerged to challenge the traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising and news.

I personally feel that pop art has a sense of simplicity yet it shows the necessary details to make that object or person look as it is.

Pop Art originated,

In the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States. 
The origins of pop art in North America and Great Britain developed differently.

It got popular in other countries such as the 
Japan, early 1930s foreshadow elements of pop art.

Pop art is:

  1. Used in logos and product labeling within imagery chosen by pop artists. Campbell’s Soup Cans labels by Andy Warhol for example. Moreover, the labeling found on the shipping board that contained retail items was used as inspiration for pop art. Take for example Campbell’s Tomato Juice Box or the Brillo Soap Box sculpture, both by Andy Warhol.
  2. An art form that reflected a return to material realities of peoples’ everyday life. It actually means the return to popular culture, thus the name “pop.” This art derives its style from the visual activities and pleasures of people: television, magazines and comics
  3. Coincided with the pop music phenomenon of the ‘50s and 60s’ and it’s highly associated with the swinging and fashionable image of London. For example, Peter Blake created the cover designs for The Beatles and Elvis Presley. More than that, he included actresses like Brigitte Bardot in his works, similar to the way Andy Warhol used Marilyn Monroe as a model.
  4. One of the most “popular” art movements of the Modern Era. The pop art movement started as a rebellion against the Abstract Expressionists, which were considered to be pretentious and over-intense.

  5. Relies on extracting material from its context and isolating it or associating it with other subjects for contemplation.
  6. Continues to be hailed as a success to this day, whether we’re talking about original pieces selling for big money, or prints selling in huge numbers. It became clear that pop art was much more than just a statement and it’s hard to ignore it. You can see it wherever you go. It’s in public places and even advertising, as it was used initially in the 1950s’.

The Purpose of Pop Art:

As mentioned earlier, to challenge tradition, and assumed that the visual elements of the mass-media from the popular culture can be considered fine art.

Famous Pop Artist were:
Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters, and Man Ray

Here is my first mindmap of Pop Art:
But Ms. Fu said it wasn't good enough so i redid it

[Principles of Design] 5 portrait sketches of myself

These 5 sketches are a progression phase for my final portrait sketch, which will be integrated with my choosen art movement.

These are my progress in getting my 5 potraits.
These 2 failed! Instructions where to have 2 potraits in 1 A4 paper. And on the left, I drew my eyes too huge.

These 3 photos are my drafts.

And this is the results. My 5 complete potraits.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

[Principles of Design] Art made of junk

This was my first class activity for Principles of Design. We were told to be innovative, to be able to make use of our creativity.

The first few instructions were,
  1. Form a group of 3-5 pax
  2. Scavenge around the campus for any possible junk. (Maybe the cleaners were on leave)
  3. Collect at least 15 pieces of scrap per person.
  4. Come back to class with our successful hunt and showcase it by placing it on the table.

This was our result after the junk hunt. The combined group garbage.

The next set of instructions were,
  1. to construct a face out of our collected rubbish
  2. Have fun

Our successful product came out to be a black man with a wild afro.
Using a windshield as the complexion of the skin tone, a seasoning brush as the comb they stuck onto their hair, a potato and durian seed as the eyes, fallen door knob as the nose and a used cigarette as the cigarette-our man came out almost perfect.

The last and final instruction for this wonderful activity was to construct a 'functional' creation.

May I present to you the new and improved, 2015 version, The Bad-Mobile.

With the turbine-driven forced induction engine, and the aesthetically stunning design, no one shall ever escape the wrath of the bad mobile.