Tuesday 4 August 2015

[Principles of Design] Art made of junk

This was my first class activity for Principles of Design. We were told to be innovative, to be able to make use of our creativity.

The first few instructions were,
  1. Form a group of 3-5 pax
  2. Scavenge around the campus for any possible junk. (Maybe the cleaners were on leave)
  3. Collect at least 15 pieces of scrap per person.
  4. Come back to class with our successful hunt and showcase it by placing it on the table.

This was our result after the junk hunt. The combined group garbage.

The next set of instructions were,
  1. to construct a face out of our collected rubbish
  2. Have fun

Our successful product came out to be a black man with a wild afro.
Using a windshield as the complexion of the skin tone, a seasoning brush as the comb they stuck onto their hair, a potato and durian seed as the eyes, fallen door knob as the nose and a used cigarette as the cigarette-our man came out almost perfect.

The last and final instruction for this wonderful activity was to construct a 'functional' creation.

May I present to you the new and improved, 2015 version, The Bad-Mobile.

With the turbine-driven forced induction engine, and the aesthetically stunning design, no one shall ever escape the wrath of the bad mobile.

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